Protect yourself from online scams
Managing your money online is definitely the smartest and easiest way to go, especially when your financial needs require you to keep track of funds in more than one bank. Here are 4 useful tips for making sure it stays safe:
- Use unique passwords for each platform you use (for example: don't use the same password for your email and your online casino account)
- Log out from services (for example: have you successfully deposited money to the casino account with online banking account? Great! Make sure to log out of your banking account)
- Always update your phone and apps (yes, it sounds annoying, but it'll help you make sure you are as safe as could be)
- If you're not sure whether or not the message you've received from the online bank is for real - ask customer support (phishing attacks are real and can come in many forms such as email or SMS.
With a little research and care, you can make sure that your hard-earned money will stay protected. After all, your financial service provider's job isn't just to transfer money between accounts but also to offer you the peace of mind in knowing that you're in good hands. Play safe!